  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Input for the course will take place over 10 weeks, with course completion after 20 weeks

Masters Degree Description

Learn how sociology can contribute to social change on the only degree of its kind in Scotland. Your studies will be driven by regular engagement with publics and by the close sharing of insights with your peers on the course. You’ll learn from public sociologists who have diverse community experience, and who are engaged with activism and innovative research.

This course will be particularly suitable if you are a sociology graduate looking to specialise in public sociology or someone engaged in community work, social welfare, public engagement or campaigns who wants to learn how sociological theory and research can meaningfully contribute to your work.

Entry Requirements

Degree and/or relevant experience of engagement with communities or public groups. We will consider applications from people without a degree but with significant experience of community work or similar, and who can show that they are able to study at postgraduate level.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

Graduates in public sociology will be suitably qualified for a range of careers involving public engagement in the public or third sector or non-governmental organisations.

Module Details

  • Principles of Public Sociology (20 credits)
  • Public Sociology Practice (20 credits)
  • Research Methods and Methodologies for Public Sociology (20 credits)
  • Reflection on Action (20 credits)
  • Project Proposal (20 credits)

You will also complete at least 20 credits as an elective from a range of options or by self-study and a Project / dissertation (60 credits).

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