  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

In a climate of shrinking budgets, shifting priorities, and growing division, what makes a policy successful?

How do we ensure that every voice is heard — and that our public policies are relevant, inclusive, and impactful?

This course has been designed for a new generation of policymakers, analysts, and advocates. Guided by practitioners from the diverse worlds of government, grant-writing, project-management, youth outreach, gender politics, and international security, you’ll examine the concepts, trends and methodologies of public policy. Participating in group simulations, you’ll explore the roles of different stakeholders. And ultimately, you’ll apply your skills and knowledge in the wild, working with your peers to solve a real-world problem.

Policymaking is a science, and an art — a combination of good data and great storytelling. Our course reflects that duality, bringing together theoretical rigour, critical reflection, and a strong focus on experiential learning. You’ll develop academically, but also as an all-round communicator; someone who can engage stakeholders, build and manage key relationships, and navigate the policymaking process with resilience, confidence, and creativity. That’s how our global community of graduates progress into fields as varied as journalism, lobbying, policy planning, and consultancy — right here in Nottingham, across the UK, and all around the world.

Entry Requirements

  • You will need an undergraduate degree equivalent to a UK undergraduate honours degree (normally 2.2 or above).

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Programme Funding

You might be able to get a scholarship to help fund your studies, We award scholarships to those students who can demonstrate excellent achievement, passion and dedication to their studies.

Student Destinations

As MSc Public Policy graduates, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the subject and transferable skills learnt while preparing coursework. These include expertise in writing complex, yet concise, analytical pieces, developing and implementing projects, interpersonal communication, diplomatic and negotiation skills, problem-solving, and the ability to present in-depth ideas with confidence. You will be offered encouragement and assistance in articulating those skills in relation to occupations that may be of interest to you.

Graduates from this course are ready to undertake a wide range of careers and professions. Previous graduates from within the Department of Politics and International Relations have gone on to work in relevant government departments as well as joined international aid and development agencies.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Theory and Trends in Public Policy
  • Policy in Focus
  • Researching Political Issues
  • Policy Lab Research Project

You will also choose one of the following optional modules (30 credits each):

  • Law and Policy for Social Work
  • Education Policy and Practice
  • Service Learning
  • International Politics of Health
  • Democracy, Citizenship and Sustainability
  • Negotiating in International Contexts
  • Gender and Security
  • Global Governance and International Institutions
  • Policy Lab Research Project

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