  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months full-time, 27 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

Liverpool Hope MSc Psychology is designed as a conversion course and is accredited by the British Psychological Society. It offers graduates from other subjects the opportunity to start a new career in Psychology. In addition, the course is available to Psychology graduates who completed a Psychology degree which did not have accreditation from the British Psychological Society.

On successful completion of the course with an overall pass mark of 50 or higher you will become eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership (GBC) with the British Psychological Society (BPS). GBC is the first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist. Eligibility to GBC is the prerequisite for entry onto postgraduate and professional training courses offered by the BPS.

Entry Requirements

Normally a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours Degree in a relevant discipline plus minimum GCSE Maths grade C (Grade 4 or above in the new grading system), alternative mathematics qualifications may be accepted.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

This MSc opens a wide range of career opportunities in Psychology and beyond, as you will have a broad array of research skills which can be applied to virtually any organisational setting. As a graduate of the MSc Psychology you will get access to postgraduate professional training courses offered by the BPS. This includes careers in Clinical Psychology, Counselling, Educational Psychology, Forensic Psychology, Health Psychology, Occupational Psychology and Sport Psychology. You will also be well qualified to continue research towards PhD and pursue an academic career.

You will acquire a broad range of transferable skills such as communication skills, problem solving, numeracy and statistical skills, critical and creative thinking, decision making, organisational skills, team-working, and IT skills. With these skills Psychology graduates are well placed for careers and further training in Health and Social Care, Marketing and PR, Management and Human Resources, Education and other fields in the Public Sector.

Module Details

  • Brain and Mind (30 credits)
  • Individual and Group (30 credits)
  • Research Methods and Data Analysis 1 (30 credits)
  • Research Methods and Data Analysis 2 (30 credits)
  • Research Dissertation (60 credits)

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