
MSc Psychological Research Methods

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

In this course, programme modules are structured to progressively build the core competencies in research and research methods. Students have the flexibility to personalise their learning experience by applying these skills to their own areas of interest, including psychological wellbeing, child development, memory, addiction, neurodiversity and more. Please note we try to accommodate student interests so they are aligned with staff research expertise.

Our graduates aspire to undertake doctoral post-graduate study and employment in a range of professions allied to Psychology and the Social Sciences.  For those who would like to progress towards becoming a chartered psychologist, this course provides a rigorous preparation for the additional postgraduate research and professional training that are necessary for chartered status. Please note, the British Psychological Association does not accredit research methods programmes in general, nor this MSc.

Entry Requirements

Our typical requirement is a 2:2 or above (or an equivalent overseas qualification) in Psychology with Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership from the British Psychological Society or in a related discipline (e.g. health sciences, computer science, linguistics).

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