  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1-2 years full/part time

Masters Degree Description

Study a course professionally accredited by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. Prepare yourself to move seamlessly into a job with a PR agency or in-house communications department.

This course is a Masters with a focus on practical and academic skills in Public Relations. It involves a mix of journalism, marketing, social networking and communication theory, giving you a competitive edge in this fast-moving industry. As part of the course, you will develop a major PR project and undertake related research and contextual studies.

Entry Requirements

We usually require applicants to hold a good honours degree (2:1 or above) in a related discipline.

We will consider applicants with professional and vocational experience.

We may ask you to undertake a short course that covers essential skills and knowledge, before you join the main Masters course.

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