
MSc Professional Practice In Health

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 3 YRS (PT)

Masters Degree Description

The MSc Professional Practice in Health enables professionals from a variety of health disciplines and workplaces to come together to learn. The overall aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive, modern and dynamic programme for students seeking to develop their career within the increasingly diverse area of health.

  • Break down the barriers that exist through this model of working, re-focusing on person centred care and the benefits that inter-professional working can bring to the people in our communities.
  • Students will be encouraged to take a broad perspective to their learning, appreciating how global, international, national, and local influences, shape the practice of professionals in their area of health and social care provision.
  • There will be opportunities for students to guide their own learning to reflect the diversity of the student group, both from a professional and an individual perspective.
  • Our approach also acknowledges the varied workplaces and areas the students work within, ensuring that the potential to maximise the impact of their studies is recognised. 


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Entry Requirements

Each application will be considered individually and on its own merits. The Programme Leader will make the final admission decision. The entry requirements for the MSc Professional Practice in Health are drawn up in accordance with the University’s regulations.

Candidates must satisfy/hold one, or a combination, of the following conditions;

An initial honours degree from Wrexham Glyndŵr University or another approved degree awarding body.

A non-graduate qualification, which the university deems to be of satisfactory standard for the purpose of post-graduate admission.

Have relevant work experience at a senior level that is deemed to compensate for the lack of formal qualifications, and have held a position of management responsibility within the health or social care sector for a minimum of three years within the previous five years.

In a case where there is lack of clarity or a need to gain deeper insight into a candidate’s suitability for the programme of study, an informal interview with the candidate may be required. This may be undertaken face to face, or via an appropriate online platform. This will allow the candidate an opportunity to provide evidence to the satisfaction of the interview panel of their ability to complete academic work of the required standard in the subject area, and to complete successfully the scheme of study proposed.

In addition, candidates who are not able to demonstrate evidence of recent academic study (within the last 5 years) may be made a conditional offer, requiring the student to undertake the Preparing for Academic Success (Level 6) module prior to commencing the Masters level programme.

International entry qualifications are outlined on the National Academic Recognition and Information Centre (NARIC) as equivalent to the relevant UK entry qualification.

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