
MA Professional Landscape Architecture

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Full time, 1 year Part time

Masters Degree Description

The MA in Professional Landscape Architecture is a programme for those who hold either a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture or a Landscape Institute accredited ‘conversion’ qualification and a degree in another discipline. 

At UEL, through design studio, live projects, and investigation of theory, we explore key issues in contemporary life – migration, inequality, climate emergency, urban growth, food security.  We investigate our understandings of these ideas with passion and commitment; exploring the ways in which landscape, nature and place are socially, as well as physically, ‘constructed’.  We seek to develop critical awareness and personal understanding of landscape, and from this, to cultivate an individual, considered approach. Our teaching supports the acquisition of the skills and knowledge that we know are relevant to professional practice now, while developing personal trajectories for the future, within this broad professional field.

Download our yearbook  to view examples of our students’ work.

Completion of the MA in Professional Landscape Architecture allows registration on the Landscape Institute’s Pathway to Chartership.

Entry Requirements


Minimum 2.1 Degree in Landscape Architecture, or Pg Dip (Conversion) in Landscape Architecture.

We would normally expect you to have Grade C in GCSE English and Maths.



Postgraduate Diploma in a Relevant Subject Area

We would normally expect you to have Grade C in GCSE English and Maths.

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