
Professional Graduate Certificate In Education (pcet)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1YR (FT) 2YRS (PT)

Masters Degree Description

Have you ever considered training to become a teacher in the post-compulsory sector? This wide and varied sector includes colleges, universities, charities, private companies, the NHS, independent education settings, and specialist education settings. This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be a teacher in this exciting field.

  • The experiences you will gain during the year undertaking your own teaching placement means that you can gain valuable teaching expertise, with the support of a mentor who can help you as you develop the skills and knowledge covered on the course, and to identify immediate links between the course content and your teaching practice. 
  • The team pride themselves on offering innovative and creative teaching strategies, which take advantage of new technologies and approaches which are designed to give you the key skills for success when you complete your qualification. 
  • We work closely with a wide range of businesses and agencies, to continue to develop additional opportunities for each of our learners at all stages of this course.
  • 89.1% of graduates of this course are in paid work or study* *graduates surveyed 15 months graduating, WGU analysis of unpublished data.

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Entry Requirements

Certificate in Education (PCET): Applicants must hold at least a level 3 qualification in their subject discipline.

Professional Graduate Certificate in Education: Applicants must hold a degree.

Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Applicants must hold a degree with a classification of First or 2:1.

Applicants are required to have an up to date DBS in place before they start the programme and must have access to an appropriate teaching placement.

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