
PG Dip Postgraduate Engineering Degree Apprenticeship (Engineering Competence)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGDip 30 months part-time by distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Do you want to study for a career-boosting Postgraduate qualification while you earn a salary?

On this postgraduate engineer degree apprenticeship course, which lasts just over 2 years, you’ll learn core skills in areas such as project management, risk management and safety. After completing your diploma you work towards achieving Chartered Engineer status (CEng).

You’ll cover topics such as sustainable engineering and safe working practices, and work on projects that contribute to your success at work. You’ll tailor what you learn to suit your professional goals and the type of role that you have, as well as your employer’s objectives.

The course is work-based, and combines a mixture of lectures and online learning. You’ll spend 20% of your work time on your apprenticeship via lectures, distance learning, writing assignments and other related study. The government or your employer will pay your tuition fees – so it won’t cost you anything.

Entry Requirements

Qualifications or experience

  • An honours degree in a Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics subject. Those with qualification below degree level may be considered on professional experience
  • All applicants to the Degree Apprenticeship courses must have an acceptable Level 2 qualification in English and Mathematics. Acceptable qualifications include GCSE with grade C/4 or above and Functional Skills with Pass - please note that we are not able to accept all kinds of Level 2 qualifications, so if you are unsure whether you have a suitable qualification please get in touch.
  • If you do not have an acceptable qualification you may be required to take an additional assessment during the application process.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

There’s currently a shortage of talented engineers in the UK, so there will be many job opportunities open to you when you graduate, in your current organisation and beyond.

You can use the course to progress to senior or managerial engineering roles and top up to a Master’s degree. You will also work towards Chartered Engineer Status.

After you leave the University, you can get help, advice and support for up to 5 years from our Careers and Employability service as you advance in your career.

Module Details

Year 1

In the foundation phase, you’ll develop your learning contract with your employer. This outlines what you’ll learn and why. You’ll study four taught modules, delivered online through distance learning and in tutorials and workshops.

  • Management of Risk – 15 credits
  • Organisations and Managing the Workforce – 15 credits
  • Project Management for Engineers – 15 credits
  • Sustainability – 15 credits

Year 2

In the development phase you’ll complete work-based projects which allow you to tailor your learning to the specialist skills, knowledge and behaviours that you need in your particular engineering role (for example, test engineer or engineering business manager).

If you commence the course in January, one of your work-based projects will begin in Year 1.

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