Masters Degree Description
Our Philosophy MSc offers you the opportunity to work closely with our staff in courses based upon their own expertise and current research. It will introduce you to the cutting edge of recent developments in analytic philosophy, from the practical and applied, to the most theoretical end of the subject.
- This programme reflects developments at the forefront of the discipline, drawing upon our staff’s extensive and internationally recognised expertise in philosophy of perception, epistemology, philosophy of emotion, moral philosophy and more.
- MSc students will be embedded in a vibrant philosophical research community. Glasgow hosts the interdisciplinary Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience bringing together philosophers and scientists to work on the nature of the mind. The Centre has philosophy specialists not only in perceptual experience but also virtual reality, emotions and hedonics.
- Philosophy is also home to one of the largest and most active epistemology research communities in the world, the COGITO Epistemology Research Centre. COGITO brings together specialists in contemporary epistemology, as well as at the intersection of epistemology with philosophy of language and mind, ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of gender and race. In addition, we host the Forum for Quine and the History of Analytic Philosophy which builds on our local expertise and research links with other UK universities.
- We host an annual reading party in the Highlands at which students also present papers and are coached on their writing and presentation skills.
- Philosophy at the University of Glasgow has an illustrious history of original thinkers going against the grain of orthodoxy. Its past professors include such giants of empiricism as Adam Smith and Thomas Reid.
Entry Requirements
Normally a 2.1 Honours degree (or equivalent) in analytic philosophy.
Please see our website for fee information
Student Destinations
Philosophy students at Glasgow receive rigorous and personalised training in problem solving skills, writing skills, presentation and research skills.All these skills are widely applicable and recognised to be exceptionally valuable in a wide range of careers, including journalism, teaching, the Civil Service, local government, business, publishing, law, and the arts.
This degree also provides an exceptional foundation for philosophical research at the doctoral level.
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The University of Glasgow established in 1451 is the fourth-oldest university in the English-speaking world, and...