
PG Dip Person-Centred Practice (School Nursing)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Full-time: 1 year; Part-time: 2-3 years

Masters Degree Description

The Master’s in Person-Centred Practice Framework has a suite of course routes which place the values of person-centredness at their core. These routes offer practitioners the opportunity to build upon their experience and develop an understanding of the knowledge and evidence that positively contributes to the health and wellbeing of persons, groups and populations.

The Framework is innovative and interactive, emphasising application of theory to your practice context. It will enable you to critically engage with, evaluate and synthesise the evidence and research to promote the development and enhancement of person-centred culture and practice. This fosters a transformative and reflective approach to meeting the public health and social needs of individuals, families, groups and populations.

Entry Requirements

All applicants for Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) need to be on either part 1 of the NMC register (adult) and/ or be a registered midwife. It is recommended that applicants have completed a period of experience of sufficient length to have consolidated pre-registration outcomes and to have gained a deeper understanding in relevant professional practice; have a degree and access to practice placement and Practice Teacher/Sign-off Mentor or Health Visitor Mentor.

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Student Destinations

Graduates have taken up advanced specialist practice and leadership roles within their specialist field of practice.

Module Details

Core modules:

  • Theory and Practice of Child and Family Centred Health and Social Care (30 credits)
  • Leading Professional Practice (15 credits)
  • Making Judgements and Decisions in Practice (15 credits)

 Route specific modules: 

  • Childhood Development 1 (15 credits)
  • Childhood Development 2 (15 credits)
  • Child Protection and Safeguarding (30 credits)

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