
CCE Optometry Progression To Pre-registration Period

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    CCE 1 year

Masters Degree Description

This programme is aimed at students who have not achieved the required degree outcome, 2:2 or above, from their period of study in a UK based BSc (Hons) Optometry programme. This degree outcome is mandated by the GOC in order to allow a graduate to proceed into the Pre-Registration Period.

Success in this programme of study does not alter the degree classification that has been awarded previously. Students should be aware that the GOC allow only one attempt at this programme of study

The aims and learning outcomes of the programme are informed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) benchmark statement for Optometry 2015, the General Optical Council (GOC) specification for Optometry learning outcomes and clinical competencies 2016, and the University of Bradford Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy.


Entry Requirements

Applicants must have completed an Optometry programme within a UK university and been awarded a degree in either Optometry or Vision Science.

Candidates who have left an Optometry programme before completing the final year are not eligible for this course.

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