  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full-time: One year; Part-time:Two years

Masters Degree Description

An oil and gas engineer is involved in nearly all stages of oil and gas field evaluation, development and production. The aim is to maximise hydrocarbon recovery at minimum cost while maintaining a strong emphasis on reducing environmental impact. The range of employment opportunities for students who hold an MSc oil & gas Engineering is very wide. Once you have completed your MSC in Oil & Gas Engineering, you will be equipped with skills and knowledge that enable you to solve future tasks and challenges related to the development and production of oil and gas fields. There are great work opportunities within the traditional as well as the future oil industry. Possible work places include National and international oil companies, consultancy firms and service providers. A completed study also forms a good basis for a future career as a researcher.

You will receive guidance and support from staff that have specialised in the discipline of oil & gas, fire science and energy for many years. All the staff involved in this course are committed to meeting your expectations. However, in turn there are certain expectations of you, as studying at this level requires you to demonstrate that you have the mental capacity, self-motivation and commitment to achieve this award.

Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, workshops, laboratory work, project work, case studies, site visits. The mix of teaching methods is designed to motivate, challenge students considering different learning styles to maximise their potential. Personal study also forms an integral part of the course. The students will learn by a variety of methods including innovative information and communication technologies and practical case studies based on research outcomes achieved by the School staff.

Entry Requirements

One of the following qualifications is required:

•honours degree of the level 2.1 or above from a UK university or the CNAA or its equivalent in an appropriate discipline(petroleum (oil & gas) engineering, chemical engineering, fire engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry etc);
•degree or HND in an appropriate discipline, together with appropriate professional experience;
•a qualification or experience deemed to be equivalent to any of the above;
•overseas equivalent qualifications and English IELTS 6.5 or equivalent if English is not the first language.

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Student Destinations

The range of employment opportunities for students who hold MSc Oil & Gas Engineering is very wide.

By completing Masters in Oil & Gas Engineering, you will learn skills and knowledge that enable you to solve upcoming responsibilities and challenges related to the petroleum industry. There are great work opportunities within the oil and gas industry. Possible work places include national and international oil companies, consultancy companies and oil and gas service firms.

Many of our students have progressed into either further higher study at the PhD level, or full-time employment within national and international organisations, consultancy or servicing companies.

Module Details

Core modules:

  • Geology and Formation evaluation
  • Research Methods
  • Reservoir Engineering and Well Test Analysis
  • Drilling Engineering and Production Technology
  • Safety, Fire and Environmental Management
  • Advanced Engineering Design Project
  • Dissertation
Optional modules:
  • Professional Placement (Engineering) or
  • Work Placement (Engineering)

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