  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time, or 2-4 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Accredited by the Association for Nutrition (AfN) this is the first course of its kind in the UK to explore the bi-directional impact of nutrition on behaviour and the brain, and the impact of behaviour on diet.

Why study MSc Nutrition and Behaviour at BU?

  • Nutrition-related ill-health contributes towards preventable disease including obesity and many of the non-communicable diseases on both a national and global scale.
  • Gain a foundation in the physiology and biochemistry of nutrition, complemented by units on the role of nutrition in behaviour and cognition, and the management of associated clinical conditions.
  • Discover the role of nutrition from preconception to old age including topics such as in-utero programming, infant feeding practices, the development of food likes and dislikes in children, food promotion, psychological factors contributing to the development of obesity including appetite and weight control, disordered eating behaviours, prevention of diet-related disease, and the role of diet in normal ageing and age-related conditions.
  • Put learning into a professional context with a short work-based learning and professional development in an environment of your choice; locally or internationally and in the healthcare, community or private sector.
  • Benefit from extracurricular sessions beyond the lecture setting including research seminars and journal clubs, fostering development of critital thinking and communication.

Entry Requirements

A Bachelors Honours degree with 2:2 in a required subject, or equivalent. Required subjects include; Clinical/life sciences, Nursing, Psychology, Nutrition, Neuroscience.

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Student Destinations

This course will equip you with the academic and practical skills required for professional practice. The emphasis on core practical skills will give you extra marketability in the professional arena.

Upon completion of the course graduates can apply for Associate level status with the Association of Nutrition.

Module Details

See our website for modules

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