  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    12 months (PGDip), 24 months (MSc)


Masters Degree Description

You will focus on the rapidly evolving context of international development. You will explore the implication for NGOs of the trends shaping the sector. How is the role of civil society changing? What will be the impact of altering aid flows, increased funding for humanitarian and security work and shifting North-South relations? How are new digital technologies affecting the way NGOs work? What are the implications of the moves to greater collaboration and the increasing influence of the private sector in the development process?

The aim of the course is to enable you to develop your management, analytical and leadership skills so that you develop a rounded set of competencies that will enable you to flourish at the highest levels in global NGOs.

Entry Requirements

All students will be highly motivated graduate-level people who bring a wide range of professional competencies, skills and experience from a wide range of backgrounds.

In general we ask for a good first degree, normally an upper second-class honours degree from a British University or an equivalent qualification from a leading overseas institution; and three or more year’s relevant experience at a senior level.

In exceptional cases we will also accept those without a degree but with significant work experience. Provided you have more than three years relevant experience, two professional references are acceptable.

This course is aimed at those currently working in the sector, but also at people exploring a career shift into the international development sector and consultants looking to develop their expertise in the NGO sector.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

Experience of past students is that by completing the course increases their employability in the sector, and gives them greater flexibility as to career options. Past students have come from NGOs of all sizes, as well as foundations, business and the public sector.

Module Details

The MSc course is taught on a part-time basis over a period of two years.

Students initially enrol on the Postgraduate Diploma with the specialist area of their choice, and confirm their intention to complete the MSc at the end of the first year.

As a student you will:

  • Develop your understanding of the strategic issues and organisational challenges facing NGO managers
  • Build relevant management and leadership skills, and analytical capabilities.
  • Acquire insights into the different strategies and approaches commonly adopted by NGOs.
  • Deepen your appreciation of the issues of managing change in NGOs.
  • Gain access to a strong network and connections within the charity sector.
  • Build your confidence as you pursue your career in the sector.

See the website for current modules

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