  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes One year full-time, two years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Are you interested in how modern languages shape our understanding and experiences in the world? Do you have an area you particular topic you want to research? We offer expert supervision in a variety of subjects, allowing you to focus on an area of your choice in your discipline. Once agreed by your main supervisor and co-supervisor, you will work closely with them on your research topic through a series of supervisions that will help you develop your project and build your research skills.

As an MA student of Modern Languages you will become part of a lively research community, and have access to your own dedicated study space shared with other students from related courses. You will be an active participant in our departmental research seminars and special lectures and host your own work in progress seminar. You will also be asked to contribute to the end-of-year Postgraduate Forum with a mini-presentation of your own.

Entry Requirements

2:1 (or international equivalent) in an arts, humanities or social science subject

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Student Destinations

Whether you are considering a career in academia, industry or haven’t yet decided, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Expert staff will work with you to explore PhD career options and apply for vacancies, develop your interview skills and meet employers. You can book a one-to-one appointment, take an online course or attend a workshop.

Many of our postgraduates have chosen academic careers and are currently in full-time posts in the UK. Others have moved into the civil service, the cultural industries, the media, publishing, teaching or translation.

The research training all our postgraduates follow equips them with a range of key transferable skills, such as analytical thinking, time management, and presentation and research skills.

Module Details

Core Modules

  • Mastering the Arts: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Research
  • World Literatures – Texts and Contexts: Introduction to Comparative Literature
  • Introduction to Translation Theory
  • Research Methods in Linguistics: Language, History and Society
  • Directed Study for Cultures, Languages and Area Studies I
  • Directed Study for Cultures, Languages and Area Studies II
  • Tradition of Critique I
  • Tradition of Critique II

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