  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 12 months full time 24 months part time

Masters Degree Description

Spanning the early modern period to the present day and covering Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas, our MA Modern History offers a diverse range of study, not only chronologically and geographically but thematically too. We are one of the largest History departments in the country and the staff who teach on the course have a wide range of expertise.

With a wide range of optional modules, you can tailor the course to suit your interests, but we also encourage you to develop how you think as a historian: you’ll have the chance to encounter new ways of ‘doing’ modern history, from the study of state archives to popular culture and everyday life. Crucially, we don’t prioritise any one approach so you’ll get to work with historians who ask different kinds of questions, use different kinds of sources and who understand the past in different ways.

The School of History at Leeds has more than thirty members of staff currently working in the field of Modern History. We have long-standing strengths in British, European, American and colonial history but we also have experts working on East and South-East Asia, India, Africa, Latin America, Australia and the Middle East. Thematically, we also can offer a tremendous range of Modern History. We have specialists in medical history and the history of psychiatry, histories of race and gender, military history, the histories of childhood and the family, histories of protest and resistance, political, transnational and international history.

Entry Requirements

A bachelor degree with a 2:1 (hons) in history or a related subject.

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Student Destinations

This course will enable you to gain high-level research, analysis and communication skills, which will prove valuable in a wide range of careers.

History MA graduates have found success in a wide range of careers in journalism, policy making, research, and the private sector. Many others have continued with their studies at PhD level.

Module Details

Year 1 compulsory modules
Module Name    Credits
Dissertation (MA)    60
Practising Modern History    30
Communicating History    30
Year 1 optional modules (selection of typical options shown below)
Module Name    Credits
Making History: Archive Collaborations    30
Global Health: Decolonising Histories, Politics and Practice    30
Latin America and the Global Cold War    30
Revolution and Rebirth: Eastern Europe and the USSR, 1985-99    30
Social Histories of South Africa    30
Stalinist Terror    30
Histories of Migration from Early Modern to Modern    30
Approaches to the History of Health and Medicine    30
The Idea of Black Culture    30

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