  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This programme introduces you to recent developments in the areas of Modern Greek language, literature, history and culture. 

Entry Requirements

The Business School’s entry requirement is a good honours degree (first or upper second class honours) awarded by a recognised University in an appropriate subject, and a merit in a relevant Master’s degree. We usually ask students for an average of 65 in the taught component of their Masters. All international students also need to show that they have adequate knowledge of written and spoken English.

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Writing your Research Proposal

Your research proposal should illustrate your ability to plan an independent research study and the relevance of your topic to the research interests and expertise of Birmingham Business School.You need to demonstrate that you understand the field that you plan to research, identify an interesting and original research question, and develop a tentative plan of study. It’s critical that your research proposal is written to the guidelines specified below.

Guidelines for the Research Proposal



Title of your proposed research.


Identify the Department you want to join.

You may also identify potential supervisors at this stage if you wish.

Research question

Provide an overview of your research question, explaining why it is of academic and/or practical importance.



Describe the main objectives of your research, providing details of two or three key aspects.

Literature review


Discuss the importance of previous related research and how your own research question might make a useful contribution to the area.

Research techniques

State the main research techniques (interviews, case studies, modeling etc.) and data collection procedures you might use.



Outline your proposed timetable of activities.



List the works you have cited in your proposal.

Word Limit

Your proposal should be no more than 5,000 words, excluding references.


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