
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Military Aerospace and Airworthiness

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: up to five years part-time; PgDip: up to four years part-time; PgCert: up to three years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course has been designed to address the needs of employees in the MoD, the armed forces and the international defence industry. It provides practising engineers with the knowledge and skills to enable them to work more effectively in aerospace engineering, airworthiness, and safety.

Today’s military aviation platforms are complex systems and it is essential, therefore, that they are deployed and maintained in such a way as to ensure their continued airworthiness and the safety of the crew operating them. Achieving this requires engineers to be cognisant of a broad range of aerospace engineering, airworthiness and safety disciplines.

The MSc distinguishes itself from similar courses offered by leading UK universities by offering one focused specifically on the military context, and offers unique subject areas unavailable elsewhere. You will be taught by staff, primarily from Cranfield Defence and Security and the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing, many of them world leaders in their field. Visiting lecturers also include experts from industry, research establishments and the MoD.

Entry Requirements

We welcome applications from talented individuals of all backgrounds and each application is considered on its individual merit. Usually applicants must hold:

A UK lower second-class (2:2) undergraduate degree with honours, as a minimum, or equivalent international qualification.

Ideally applicants will have studied in science, engineering or mathematics subjects.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

Funding opportunities available, please visit website for details.

Student Destinations

The course creates opportunities to develop your career at a more senior level and in achieving Incorporated or Chartered Engineer status.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

  • Study Skills (non-assessed)
  • Aircraft Survivability
  • Airworthiness of Military Aircraft
  • Aviation Safety Management
  • Safety Assessment of Aircraft Systems
  • Fixed-Wing Aeromechanics
  • Propulsion Systems
  • Military Aircraft Systems

Elective modules

One of modules from the following list need to be taken as part of this course

  • Air Transport Engineering – Maintenance Operations
  • Aircraft Accident Investigation and Response
  • Design Durability and Integrity of Composite Aircraft Structures
  • Fundamentals of Aircraft Engine Control
  • Guided Weapons
  • Introduction to Aircraft Structural Crashworthiness
  • Introduction to Human Factors
  • Military Avionics -STA Communications and Navigation
  • Practical Reliability
  • Rotary-Wing Aeromechanics
  • Aircraft Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
  • Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance
  • Uninhabited Aircraft Systems / Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems

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