
PG Cert Mental Health Social Work

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Masters Degree Description

The course trains social workers for the role of Mental Health Officer (MHO) in which they will be able to contribute positively to the care and treatment of those experiencing mental disorder by ensuring an approach that recognises the impact of social as well as medical circumstances on their lives.

The role of MHO is as defined in Section 32 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, and as qualified by the direction of the Scottish Ministers (Requirements for appointment as Mental Health Officers) Direction (January 2009).

Entry Requirements

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Student Destinations

Successful graduates from this programme will immediately be appointed as Mental Health Officers (MHOs) by their local authority, avoiding the requirement to seek employment as an MHO.

This appointment can lead candidates into promoted posts, eg senior practitioner and management roles. As the role of the MHO is a statutory requirement for local authorities, graduates become members of a small but essential workforce that aims to promote the rights of people with mental disorders as well as ensuring appropriate access to treatment when required.

The MHO workforce is currently under resourced and qualified MHOs are in high demand across Scotland. Obtaining the award, therefore, enhances the employability of all graduates.

Module Details

Semester 1 – Class 1: Mental Health Officer Theory and Practice 1
Semester 2 – Class 2: Mental Health Officer Theory and Practice 2

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