  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 3 years part time, distance learning PGCert 1 year part time, distance learning

Masters Degree Description

This distance learning course is designed for health and social care practitioners and educators who are involved in teaching/supervision, in some capacity, within their working role.

Medical Education is a crucial and ever-changing dimension of healthcare practice. Professionals need to ensure that their knowledge and skills are up to date to ensure they are equipped to meet the needs of patients or service users. Teaching is a vital tool to ensure knowledge and skills are maintained. The course is thus designed to encourage personal reflection, and evaluation of your own teaching practices within the workplace, which in turn can help you to facilitate the learning of others.

The course also encourages critical enquiry, analysis, and debate, as well as the sharing of ideas across professional boundaries. Students on this award are from a variety of health/social care backgrounds and are encouraged to draw upon their experience and knowledge throughout the course process. This helps students to apply academic models and theories to their own practice, ensuring that academic content is clearly integrated with the practical craft of teaching delivery.

Entry Requirements

A degree from a UK Higher Education Institute, or international equivalent, in Medicine, Nursing, or another relevant health or social care subject.

Applicants with a Diploma of Higher Education, complemented by strong recent evidence of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), will be considered. If necessary, applicants will be invited to take part in a short informal interview via Microsoft Teams or telephone.

It is strongly recommended that you will be actively involved in teaching/supervision in some capacity within your working role. This is because the modules draw upon your experience of learning delivery. However, it is not a requirement to hold a formal teaching position.

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Student Destinations

The Medical Education course can assist with your career progression by offering valuable evidence of professional development relating to teaching and learning in healthcare. The course develops lifelong learning skills that can enhance your professional practice and career prospects. The course will also be very valuable for practitioners who are seeking to extend the educational aspect of their role or pursue a formal position in an educational setting.

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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