
MA Media And Communication Industries

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Full time, 1 year Part time, 2 years

Masters Degree Description

The media industries that inform and entertain are also leading sectors of employment. This course explores both the cultural and economic aspects of media. Today, more than ever, media professionals need to understand the cultures, forms and practices of contemporary communication industries, and recognize and respond to changing conditions, challenges and policy issues.

You will explore media and marketing communications industries from the global to the local, and from political economic aspects to the creativity of media practitioners and users. You will examine contemporary convergence across media, marketing and promotional industries and will be supported in your independent investigation into chosen aspects of digital publishing, audiovisual and social media, advertising, public relations and other marketing communications industries.

This MA offers a stimulating and wide-ranging programme supporting routes into both postgraduate research and careers in the creative industries in content creation and operations, management, research, policy and other support services. The programme will help you develop both academic and applied skills through research and study, innovative work/study experience, and production.

UEL is part of one of the largest ESRC-funded Doctoral Training Partnerships in the UK, the UBEL DTP and this MA is ESRC-recognised.

Entry Requirements

Minimum 2.2 Honours in a Relevant Subject

Other entry routes

Applicants without a first degree but with years of professional practice in relevant fields may be considered in special circumstances, but they may have to complete an oral interview or written test.

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