  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MM 3 years

Masters Degree Description

Help shape the future of midwifery with our three-year Master of Midwifery programme.

Please note the start date for this course has now moved from September 2021 to January 2022.

Midwives provide skilled, knowledgeable and compassionate care to women, newborn infants and their families. They work across the continuum of pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, labour, birth, postpartum and the early weeks of a newborn infant’s life. To meet these needs our programme reflects a dynamic, student-centred approach to learning, teaching and assessment.

It aims to prepare you for practice as an accountable and autonomous midwife with a focus on:

• mastery of the knowledge and skills required to provide safe and effective midwifery care to women and their families

• the interpersonal and cultural competence required for effective and collaborative working

• developing self-capability in a midwifery leadership context, particularly in relation to quality, safety and efficacy

• demonstrating commitment to ongoing research, audit and service evaluation to enhance professional learning, policy and practice

Please note: We will have a newly NMC accredited Midwifery Programme from January 2022.

Entry Requirements

The entry requirement for this course is a First degree or Honours degree.

In addition applicants must also have English at Higher/A Level or a Literary subject at grade C, Biology at Higher/A Level Biology or Human Biology at grade C and Maths at National 5/GCSE grade C/4, or equivalent (all three are required to have been completed within the last 5 years).

Admission to the programme is also dependent upon a satisfactory Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) check. This will be conducted as part of the induction week. The cost of the PVG check will be paid by the University.

Selection Day

You may be invited to our Sighthill campus for a selection day. This will give you the opportunity to meet with the recruitment and teaching teams. You will also have the chance to explore some of the University teaching facilities, for example our state-of-the-art clinical skills simulation area.  

Part of the selection process for entry to the programme of your choice will include a computer based Confident Caring Assessment (CCA) where you will be given a short video and related scenario with questions. This is an assessment of the attributes expected of a nurse/midwife, not your clinical knowledge and skills. It is designed to assess the qualities needed to work as a nurse/midwife and the proficiencies outlined in the Nurses Standards of proficiency; Standards of proficiency for midwives and The Code. It presents a series of work-related situations, and you will be questioned about how you would respond. All applicants are required to sit the CCA. 

Previous Nursing Students

Please note that students who have already studied a Nursing degree are unlikely to receive funding for a second Nursing degree.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Please see our website for funding opportunities

Student Destinations

By studying Midwifery at Edinburgh Napier University, you will be qualified to apply for roles within both a clinical and social care setting, as a midwife you will be the expert in supporting women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. By having gained advanced communication, decision making and leadership skills during your course you will be able to support women compassionately and proactively during this time. You’ll be able to professionally apply the practical and theoretical knowledge you have learned through the most current research, having gained an understanding that midwifery is both an art and a science. This course will help you to develop your abilities not only to provide midwifery care but also emotional support to women and their families. If you’re a caring and helpful person by nature, passionate about women’s health, then this may be the right course for you.

Module Details

Modules that you will study* as part of this course

  • Care and Examination of the Newborn Level 10 ( MID10107 )
  • Complex Care of Women and Newborn Infants Level 10 ( MID10110 )
  • Evaluating Midwifery Practice Project ( MID11127 )
  • Management of Obstetric Emergencies and Midwifery Care ( MID11124 )
  • Midwifery Practice: Art and Science Level 10 ( MID10109 )
  • Midwifery Practice: Leadership and Personalised Care ( MID11123 )
  • Midwifery Practice: Part One (Long) ( MID10108 )
  • Midwifery Practice: Part Three (Long) ( MID11118 )
  • Midwifery Practice: Part Two (Long) ( MID11132 )
  • Midwives and Public Health ( MID11129 )
  • Promoting Excellence in Midwifery Research and Practice ( MID11121 )

* These are indicative only and reflect the course structure in the current academic year. Some changes may occur between now and the time that you study.

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