
MEd PG Dip PG Cert Master of Education

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MEd/PGDip/PGCert 2-3 years, part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MEd is designed for qualified teachers and other educational professionals working in a range of contexts and age phases. This degree will enable you to:

  • Enhance your opportunities for career progression and make a difference with a deeper understanding of effective pedagogy
  • Critically examine your pedagogic practice and expertise in teaching
  • Choose an option module of interest or to advance a specialism
  • Develop your ability to design and carry out small-scale research projects.

The modules on offer will enable practitioners working in educational contexts to engage in pedagogically-focused study and research on a range of key cross-curricular topics that reflect and explore the issues and challenges that they face in their work across the 5-19 age range. These topics are: inclusive practices; mentoring, coaching and development of effective leadership skills; mental health and wellbeing. The course has been developed following consultation with University of Leicester Partnership schools and PGCE alumni.

Alongside these modules, this course will provide an introduction to reflective practice (for those experienced teachers without Masters credits) and a solid grounding in practitioner research methods for all those who enrol. The Practitioner Research Methods module will prepare you for researching and writing a dissertation on a topic of your choice which is relevant to the educational context in which you work.

Entry Requirements

An honours degree (minimum 2:2 classification). Applicants do not need a teaching qualification; however, you must be working or engaged in an educational context.

All graduate teachers with a minimum of a 2:2 will be eligible.

All students will be required to meet the standard language requirement with an A-C GCSE grade/level 4 in English.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

The MEd should provide qualified teachers and other education professionals with further opportunities for career enhancement either in their existing workplace or beyond.

Many of our former Masters students in the School of Education have also progressed to doctoral work on completion of their degree. Opportunities for PhD research will be discussed with you during the final year of your course.

Module Details

Please see website for module details.

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