
(TIME MBE) Master in Business Economics

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    TIME is a full-time program with exit points at 15, 18 and 21 months

Masters Degree Description

The TIME (Technology Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship) Masters in Business Economics (MBE) is a full-time inter-University 15 month Master’s program in Business Economics (MBE) which offers a novel curriculum. It combines targeted classes and practical training, in order to provide students with the knowledge and the entrepreneurial skills needed to successfully manage innovative organizations in an ever changing environment. The courses are taught by faculty members of the University of Cyprus, Wageningen University and others.

The programme has a compulsory internship, which is possible to take place in The Netherlands, under the supervision of Wageningen University.

Entry Requirements

In order to be eligible for the TIME-MBE Programme you need:

1. An undergraduate degree or equivalent qualification (Quality degrees from all disciplines will be considered).
2. The ability to work in multicultural teams (which requires proper use of the English language).
3. A proven academic ability, strong communication skills and an international outlook.
4. A valid visa, in case you are not from either the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland (applying for a visa to study at TIME MBE is a straightforward process for both campuses)

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Please see the University website for further information on fees for this course.

Programme Funding

TIME MBE is currently offering a 40% scholarship to all successful applicants.

Module Details

TIME is a full-time program with exit points at 15, 18 and 21 months. The program consists of three components:

1. The Academic Modules – 60 ECTS (September – April)

The academic module is taught between September and April. Both Universities follow an identical curriculum and time schedule.

2. The Summer Practicum – 30 ECTS (May – July)

Between May and July students undertake a summer practicum that takes the form of either a Supervised Internship or an Entrepreneurship Summer School. The internship is overseen by the University of Wageningen and is expected to take place in the Netherlands, Greece or Cyprus. The Entrepreneurship Summer School takes place at the University of Crete for both cohorts.

3. The Master Thesis – 30 ECTS (May – December)

The master thesis is normally drafted between May and December the 31st. If more time is needed, students can extend their exit point.

Academic Content

TIME comprises 16 different courses belonging to three modules:

  • Module A: Business Economics and Quantitative Methods
  • Module B: Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship for R&D Intensive Firms
  • Module C: Business Skills for Innovative Ventures

Nearly all courses are taught in 24 academic hours. Performance is assessed through exams, individual assignments and team projects. More details on the academic content of the program can be found in the programme’s webpage.

Application Process

Applications are on a rolling basis until the 31st of August for both campuses. All applicants are considered equally; however, the earlier you apply, the greater chance we can accommodate your preference. If you’re an international applicant, we encourage you to apply early to allow time for your visa application.

There is also an option for applicants to join our Programme beginning on January. For this option, applicants should proceed normally with their application at any date -yet as early as possible- and make a mention requesting to join the TIME MBE Programme on January, explaining the reasons leading to this request.

Additional Information and Contact Details

Additional information can be found on the Department’s webpage.

For information about the life in Cyprus, see UCY’s International Student Guide.

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