
MSc Maritime Operations and Management

  • DeadlineStudy Details:
    • Full-time: 12 months
    • Part-time: 48 months (up to)

Masters Degree Description

This MSc is designed for existing professionals serving in the industry as well as those looking for a career within maritime, offshore and sea transport trade.

You may already have a responsible sea-going or middle management position and be qualified to that level but want to achieve the next level in your career. If you are new to the industry it’s likely you’ll have a degree in a related technical or management subject.

Entry Requirements

For those already working in the industry, we require a first degree, recognised professional qualification or the equivalent Certificate of Competence as Master or Chief Engineer: Class 1 Master Mariner or Class 1 Engineer and experience in one of these roles.

For those coming straight from an undergraduate course, we require a lower second-class honours degree (or higher) in a relevant subject from a recognised institution.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

As a skilled Maritime Operations and Management expert you’ll have a variety of jobs open to you within the sector when you finish this course.

Many job opportunities will be in middle or higher management. If you had little industry experience before doing this course you’ll find more opportunities are open to you and will lead you into higher level roles.

When you reach more senior positions within an organisation the all-embracing nature of this MSc will give you a thorough understanding and perspective of any problems facing a company or organisation.

Module Details


Full-time students attend seven Core and two Elective taught Modules over two Terms, and then complete their Dissertation over three months in the summer, within the 12-month period of the degree. You are normally required to complete all the taught modules successfully before progressing to the dissertation.

The course is delivered in the form of block teaching where students usually need to attend three, four or five full consecutive days for each Module. Teaching takes place during day (09:00 to 18:00).


The course on a part-time basis normally takes just over two years (but can extend up to five years). In two years, students are expected to complete the seven Core and two Elective taught Modules, plus a Dissertation. You are normally required to complete all the taught modules successfully before progressing to the dissertation.

Part-time students join full-time students for their chosen modules in each academic year.

See our website for current modules

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