
MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 3 years, Part Time only

Masters Degree Description

  • Translate new ideas and theories into practical teaching methods and strategies
  • Use creative techniques and evaluate them in practice
  • Participate in our collaborative, workshop-style course

Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at Winchester equips you to develop as a motivational and inspirational HE teacher who is able to understand the needs of the learners you work with. We specialise in evidenced-based pedagogy and key principles around inclusive learning and teaching, compassion in HE and Decolonising the Curriculum, alongside the belief that effective practice with assessment and feedback should be at the heart of education.

Entry Requirements

2023 Entry: Normally a first or second-class Honours degree in a related subject or professional experience. Successful applicants would expect to be working in a Higher Education environment, teaching or supporting the learning of HE students or colleagues. Exemption from some modules may be granted for appropriate prior learning including credits gained on a PGCE course. For example, if you have 60 M-level credits from your PGCE (or similar level 7 credits) in the last five years, you may be eligible to complete two years of the degree, rather than three.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

We have a variety of scholarship and bursaries available to support you financially with the cost of your course – visit website for details.

Student Destinations

The programme aims to develop individuals involved in teaching or supporting students or colleagues  in HE.

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