  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MBA One year full time, two years part time.

Masters Degree Description

The MBA Leadership course at Bath Spa offers executive leadership education and professional career development for individuals with existing management experience.

Created and delivered through close consultation and collaboration with employers, the course is designed to ensure that you’ll graduate with the leadership skills that organisations need in an ever-changing business environment.

The MBA Leadership supports the development of strategic leaders who can work effectively in a range of roles, drawing on a broad mix of transferable professional skills and experience.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for our postgraduate courses vary. We're generally looking for a good honours degree or equivalent.

Some courses also require an interview or the submission of a portfolio of work.

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Programme Funding

Visit our website to find out about the range of scholarships, awards and bursaries on offer beyond government loans.

Student Destinations

On this course, you'll develop your leadership and management expertise in the context most relevant to your chosen career path, and develop lifelong learning skills, including an enthusiasm for business and learning as part of personal professional development.

The embedded real world content and context-based assessment on this course ensure that you leave with relevant experience, executive level skills, and will have further developed your own professional networks.

Module Details

  • Leading, Managing and Developing People
  • Strategic Management
  • Leading Change and Innovation
  • Governance and Risk Management
  • Strategic Marketing Management
  • Corporate Financial Management
  • Project Management
  • Professional Development Portfolio
  • Leadership Project

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