
PG Cert Leadership in Health & Social Care – Online distance learning

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgCert Online Distance Learning: 10 months part-time : This programme is delivered fully online with no attendance required.

Masters Degree Description

Recent Government and NHS reports highlight the importance of effective leadership in ensuring that health and social care is delivered to the highest standard. This programme is aimed at professionals in Health and Social Care wishing to develop skills in leadership. Students will be encouraged to think critically about health and social care provision with a key focus on leadership, management and the economic landscape.


  • This programme will provide you with opportunities to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, expertise in critical appraisal, and the ability to lead and innovate in your area of practice.
  • The programme reflects the need for professionals in health and social care to develop leadership skills in a dynamic health and social care environment to ensure quality care delivery.
  • The involvement of key people in leadership roles including the NHS and Scottish Government in both the planning and delivery will ensure that the programme has both currency and relevance.
  • You will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of economic assessment and explore approaches to managing budgets and balancing financial constraints with quality provision.

Entry Requirements

A 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent (eg GPA of 3.0 or above) in a relevant subject. 2:2 Honours degree or equivalent in a relevant subject with 6 months work experience in a health or social care organisation may also be considered.

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Student Destinations

This programme meets the need to prepare professionals in both Health and Social Care to take on leadership roles. This has now been identified as key in the provision of high quality health and social care. The course content affords an opportunity for participants to develop new skills in leadership and enhance existing skills. The course offers a unique opportunity to develop skills in economic costing that can lead to improved service delivery.

The involvement of leaders, both in the planning and delivery, from a variety of settings including NHS and Scottish Government ensures that the programme is current and relevant.

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