  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Part Time: 2 years, Full Time: 1 year.

Masters Degree Description

You develop the knowledge, skills and awareness to empower others to make an effective contribution to the leadership and management of your organisation. And the knowledge and ability to critically evaluate contemporary issues in business leadership and coaching.

Aligning assignments to your current work challenges, you critically evaluate contemporary issues, theoretical approaches and perspectives on leadership in organisations. You gain the skills to lead a workforce in a complex, dynamic and increasingly global organisational environment, applying theory to everyday situations to consult on, manage and lead a range of projects, issues and initiatives related to your organisation.

We have collaborated with leaders from large and small corporates, the public sector and social enterprises to integrate their global insights around leadership and development challenges into the programme content and delivery style.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are normally expected to have at least a 2.2 UK honours degree, or equivalent experience. Those without a formal academic qualification but with appropriate work experience and professional training will also be considered.

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Student Destinations

Graduates move into general or senior management/leadership roles, internal consultant/project leadership roles or into external consultancy.

This course is aimed at those students who have already identified a preference for studying the concepts, theory and practice of leadership and those who seek a distinctive postgraduate title within the diverse field of leadership. It is appropriate for those students who wish to pursue a career in industry, commerce, the public sector, or the voluntary sector or third sector, including those wishing to become independent leadership consultants. Therefore, graduates from this course may find work across a range of roles within general management or business and will also be equipped for enterprise, starting their own business and eventually employing their own staff.

Module Details

Core modules

Applied Practice (Law)

Company Law

Constitutional Principles


Employment and Labour Law

International Trade Law Principles

Legal Research Skills

State Powers and Individual Rights

Modules offered may vary.

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