
MA MLA Landscape Architecture

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Full-time: 1 year

Masters Degree Description

These two creative and reflective Master's degrees consider interventions in the landscape through imaginative design, strategic thinking and technical knowledge.

With design-led teaching and learning, these two accredited Master's programmes allow students to progress towards a career as a landscape architect. Students work to put their theories into practice from week one, researching through speculative design.

Both programmes are committed to an agenda of climate-focused landscape design and environmental stewardship, preparing students to address sustainability and deal with real-world challenges, such as biodiversity loss, climate change and ecological crisis. The core priority of the Landscape Architecture programmes is to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to innovatively respond to ecological, urban and social challenges through their work with natural and built environments.

In both programmes, Design Studios form a core component, giving students the opportunity to work independently or in groups to develop their own approach to landscape architecture. Within the Design Studios, tutors present unique, rigorous, challenging and even radical intellectual positions, providing a strong identity for students to use as the basis for developing their own approach to the contemporary study of landscape architecture.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of a second-class UK degree in landscape architecture or an accredited overseas qualification in Landscape Architecture of an equivalent standard. On occasion, graduates from other degrees who can demonstrate comparable abilities will also be considered. Applicants must have also completed their previous degree and be undertaking a year in a professional practice placement or internship. A design/creative portfolio is also expected. Applicants will be asked to provide a link to a portfolio of their design work once their completed application has been received, and should not send or upload work until it has been requested.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

The Bartlett School of Architecture is one of the world's top-ranked architecture schools and our graduates enjoy excellent employment opportunities.

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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