  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MMus/PGDip/PGCert Full Time/Part Time

Masters Degree Description

The recent launch of our Eastside Jazz Club has helped consolidate the integral role that Royal Birmingham Conservatoire has to play in the city. While Birmingham’s thriving jazz scene has been established over many years, our bespoke venue strengthens the promise of exciting future developments in this area.

It is in this context that we offer our taught postgraduate courses in Jazz. Designed for recent graduates and suitably qualified mature students, these programmes provide high quality advanced-level tuition, enabling you to specialize either as a Jazz performer or instigator.

These courses also provide excellent opportunities for you to develop other skills relevant to a future career in the music profession.

What’s covered in this course?
  • Regular individual specialist tuition from professional jazz musicians active on today’s scene.
  • Emphasis on the art of improvisation.
  • Regular opportunities to rehearse and perform with small and large jazz ensembles.
  • Priority access to guest masterclass sessions.
  • The chance to develop a distinctive musical voice.
  • In PgDip and MMus, a core career development module designed to get you thinking about your future professional plans.
  • In PgDip and MMus, the flexibility to choose from a broad menu of Professional Development modules designed to help you work towards achieving your personal career aspirations.
  • In MMus, a core module designed to develop your skills as a researcher or informed practitioner.
  • In PgCert, the ability to focus wholly on the Principal Study area.
  • The possibility of transferring between PgCert, PgDip and/or MMus (as appropriate) once you have begun your studies (but before completion of your original course).

Entry Requirements

  • UK students should normally hold an honours degree, ideally but not necessarily in Music.
  • Non-UK students should hold a Bachelor’s degree or a similar degree-equivalent diploma, ideally but not necessarily in Music.
Audition Requirements
  • All applicants for this course will be auditioned.
  • Home student auditions will be scheduled live in Birmingham.
  • EU/international students outside the UK at the time of application may submit a recording or may travel to one of our International Audition Centres.
  • Jazz performers should perform two contrasting pieces with a rhythm section (provided), as well as a short transcribed solo (unaccompanied).
  • Pianists, bassists and drummers audition by taking their place in the rhythm trio.
  • Guitarists may choose to audition with just bass and drums, or the full rhythm trio.
  • The panel will be interested to hear you talk about your artistic influences, your inspiration to be a musician and your career objectives.
  • The audition and interview together will last for about half an hour. You will be invited to arrive before the audition for a warm-up that will last for 25 minutes.
  • For full details, audition requirements and audition advice, please visit the Music Auditions section of the Conservatoire website.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

If you are an MMus or PgDip student you will take a Career Development module, which will require you, near the beginning of your course, to reflect ambitiously yet realistically on your professional aspirations, and to formulate a plan that helps you stand the best chance of achieving your goals. You will also choose, in addition, some Professional Development Options from a varied list. The following gives an indication the kind of optional modules which may be offered in a given year, including some offered by Birmingham City University’s Schools of Art and Media.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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