
MA by Research International Relations

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Take on global challenges in the 21st century – interpret events, identify trends and make informed judgments about the future. Engage with world politics, global environmental change, terrorism, governance in cyberspace, and conflict resolution with insight and clarity.

Explore real-world issues and key policy areas, and learn from leading experts who advise governments and shape debates. Our alumni, who form an international network, have used this programme as a springboard into foreign offices and diplomatic services, the UN, EU and OECD, the IRC, Amnesty International, and other NGOs, as well as businesses with an international outlook.

Entry Requirements

A first or upper-second class honours degree in a relevant subject or equivalent. If applying for the PhD a Master’s degree in a relevant subject is preferable.

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Programme Funding

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Student Destinations

The School of Politics and International Relations has a dedicated Employability Coordinator who organises employability events within the School as well as providing students with assistance in securing graduate opportunities. Centrally, the Careers and Employability Service can help you plan for your future by providing one-to-one advice at any stage of your postgraduate studies.

Module Details

For module information please see here

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