  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 13 months full-time, distance learning 2 years part-time, distance learning

Masters Degree Description

Want to understand major issues affecting the world today? Our MA in International Relations will help you get to grips with what’s unfolding in real time.

Find out about the changing global order and the power shifts towards China and other emerging economies. Learn about the role of organisations such as NATO and how the international economy affects what happens in Britain.

And explore the threats to human security, such as a shortage of food and water, and how the international community should respond to state killings. You will also look at the way countries co-exist in the face of rapid change and the importance of policy-making and decisions at a global level.

As part of the course, you will have the opportunity to choose a specialist pathway in intelligence.

The MA is taught and assessed entirely online, giving you the flexibility to study anytime, anywhere. You will still get lots of tutor engagement and support, with world-class staff who bring a wealth of experience.

Entry Requirements

A 2:2 honours degree or above, or relevant professional experience.

Language level must be at least IELTS 6-6.5 or equivalent. However, you’ll be considered if you have a level of fluency to meet the needs of the course.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

After completing the MA International Relations, you’ll be equipped with the critical and reflective skills, as well as a range of other transferable skills, that are attractive to employers. These can be adapted to a range of professions including, but not limited to:

  • Education
  • National, Foreign or Defence Ministries
  • Armed Forces
  • Security Services
  • International or Regional Organisations

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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