  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGDip LLM 1 year full-time

    2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

This degree aims to enable students to specialise in subjects related to international law, equipping them with comprehensive knowledge of the foundational principles of public international law and advanced conceptual insights into theories underpinning the legal status of international organisations and their role in the settlement of international disputes.

You will deepen and broaden your knowledge of law as an academic subject, acquiring a systematic understanding of legal processes, methods and concepts, of the social and political context in which legal processes take place and of appropriate theoretical conceptions of law.

Ultimately, by maximising your academic potential and refining your problem-solving skills in a transnational context you will enhance your professional development and horizons.

The research and writing skills you gain will be transferable to a variety of professional sectors, including the legal profession, policymaking, corporate sector, governmental bodies or academia.

Middlesex University School of Law is truly international in its outlook, with our faculty comprising multilingual expert academics from across the globe. Influencers on the world stage, our academics include business and human rights expert Dr Nadia Bernaz, Associate Professor of International Law Dr Elvira Dominguez-Redondo and Professor of International Law William Schabas, who have both worked with the United Nations.

Entry Requirements

The University’s standard entry requirement consists of a Law degree at 2:2 or Graduate Diploma in Law/CPEGraduates in related disciplines, with law minors or with relevant professional experience or may be admitted subject to the programme leader’s discretionEligibilityUK/EU and international students are eligible to apply for this course.Academic credit for previous study or experienceIf you have relevant or work experience, academic credit may be awarded towards your Middlesex University programme of study. For further information please visit our Accreditation of Prior Learning page.Interviews, entrance tests, portfolios and auditionsEntry onto this course does not require an interview, portfolio or audition.

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