
LLM International Human Rights Law

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

This is for you if... you are interested in exploring how international human rights law addresses the major challenges facing the world today. You will love this stream if you are interested in world affairs and how politics and international institutions intersect with international law.

This stream of the LLM specialises in human rights at both a national and international level and will allow you to engage with a variety of issues related to the theory and practice of human rights. We work in collaboration with Politics and International Relations enabling us to offer additional modules covering the political viewpoint of human rights.

The International Human Rights LLM stream covers a variety of issues related to the theory and practice of human rights. You can choose from our full range of modules and will need to select 6 out of 8 option modules and your dissertation from the human rights stream in order to gain your specialisation.

Entry Requirements

A good second class degree in law or an equivalent degree in an appropriate discipline.

Relevant professional experience post-graduation is given due credit in considering entry requirements.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Our Law Fair is held annually and attracts over 40 law firms and other graduate employers.

Two dedicated law careers tutors are on hand to discuss career options, upcoming opportunities and give advice about different firms.

We host a wide range of external speakers every year, representing the whole legal profession.

You get the chance to develop your legal skills during the course:

  • The Legal Advice Clinic allows you to advise non-law students on legal issues (with support from academics and local solicitors)
  • The 'LEGAL WEEK' is an informal student-staff discussion group, which runs every two weeks and contemporary issues with legal implications are discussed. 'LEGAL WEEK' allows interaction, fruitful exchange of ideas and improves current awareness
  • Your professional competencies can be enhanced by getting involved with the debating, client interviewing, negotiating and mooting activities, organised by the Student Law Society

Module Details

Please visit website for module details

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