
PG Cert / PG Dip / MSc Internation Education

  • DeadlineStudy Details: PG Cert 1-2 years; PG Dip 2-4 years; MSc 2-5 years

Masters Degree Description

International Education programmes are run by the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute.

This course is designed to be useful to experienced practitioners in the field of international education, as well as those considering working in this area.

You will study modules in the applied management and organisational behaviour aspects of leading an organisation as well as modules related to teaching and learning. Modules are taught by an interdisciplinary team from different parts of the University to provide input from a range of academic and practical backgrounds.


  • In addition to the five compulsory modules, choose three optional modules and a dissertation topic to explore your interests.
  • Modules are taught by an interdisciplinary team from different parts of the University and by guest speakers.
  • Join the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute community of practitioners  and interact with students from a diverse range of nationalities and backgrounds.
  • Study modules in the applied management and organisational behaviour aspects of leading an organisation, as well as modules related to teaching and learning.
  • Discuss theoretical concepts and frameworks and apply these through assessments, in small groups, and in writing in weekly online discussion forums.
  • There is no 'live' teaching so you can study in your own time, to suit your own lifestyle and commitments.
  • Attend an optional two-week summer school in St Andrews focusing on dissertation preparation, and providing the opportunity to experience living and studying in St Andrews.

The number of taught modules you will take depends on whether you are studying for the MSc, PGDip or PGCert degree:

  • students on the MSc and PGDip will take five compulsory modules plus three optional modules
  • students on the PGCert will take four modules of their choice
  • You will study each module for five weeks.

In modules, you interact online in a weekly written discussion forum, or similar activity, with IELLI's postgraduate students in St Andrews and around the world, providing the opportunity to learn from peers living and working in a wide variety of contexts.

Entry Requirements

Typically, you should have one of the following:

  • A 2.1 Honours degree or 3.3 out of 4.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) in any discipline. Applications are welcomed from all education systems. If you studied your first degree outside the UK, see the international entry requirements.
  • Significant professional or other relevant experience alongside evidence of prior alternative learning (such as professional qualifications or certifications). 

For more information about our academic entrance requirements in relation to the education system you studied in, email

Recognition of prior learning

Some students may be eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL) based on their previous studies, such as DELTA. The International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute (IELLI) considers applications for RPL on a case-by-case basis in line with the University's recognition of prior learning policy. To confirm the exact amount of credit you could be awarded, email your relevant transcript to


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

International Education graduates are equipped with a range of skills and experiences which allow them to take on a variety of roles. The majority of International Education students work:

  • in managerial and administrative roles in international education
  • organisations like schools, universities, and education-facing NGOs
  • in educational agencies
  • as educational policymakers
  • as International Officers
  • in education-related marketing roles

Lecturers within the International Education and Lifelong Learning Institute have a wealth of teaching, administrative and leadership experience in education, in a range of locations globally. They are active in using their international networks and experience to support and advise students on future career development.

Current teaching staff have worked in Australia, Bulgaria, China, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Martinique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, UAE, UK, USA and Vietnam.

Module Details

Compulsory (For MSc and PG Dip)

The following modules are compulsory for those on the MSc and PGDip programmes. If you are studying for the PGCert, you can choose any four modules from this list or from the optional module list.

  • Action Research and Reflection for Education Practitioners: This module provides a learning experience in which students can reflect on concepts and theories they have studied in the past and connect them with individual educational contexts. The module explores the combined value of reflection and action research, providing a means for educational practitioners to understand their educational contexts and to plan responses to challenges in these contexts.
  • Education and Researching: Students will learn about different research methodologies and critically evaluate quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches. It will help students understand the features of a rigorous research question in English Language Teaching and International Education, as well as consider how to design, pilot and reflect on the effectiveness of different data collection instruments. Students will be taught, and given the opportunity to practise, different approaches to data analysis. The module will also include guidance and discussion on the different ethical considerations when conducting classroom-based research, as well as the important stages in writing up the dissertation.
  • Leadership and Management in International Education: Students will be encouraged to think critically about the purpose, importance and understanding of key concepts and theories of educational leadership in higher education. To this end, the module will begin by exploring what is educational leadership and the qualities of an effective leader in educational settings in the 21st century. It will then introduce and consider relevant theories and principles underlying practice in educational leadership. In order to demonstrate an awareness of the contextual nature of leadership, the module will examine the contributions from international leadership perspectives in a number of different global contexts. Students will be encouraged to analyse and discuss questions and issues arising from the study in-line with their own practice and experience in both written and verbal communications.
  • Organisational Development in International Education: Students will learn about key theories of organisational development as well as their practical application to an educational setting. In addition, students will explore organisation diagnosis, leading change, and organisation culture. Students will be given the opportunity to reflect and critically apply the organisation development interventions to international settings.
  • Trends and Policies in International Education: This module aims to raise awareness and enable reflection of the key trends and policies in international education. It provides students with the opportunity to examine the impact that these trends and policies have on standing pedagogical structures and the dialogues they create within the field of intercultural pedagogy. Against this backdrop, the module will encourage students to assess the impact that the decisions they make as leaders, or may go on to make as potential leaders within the field of international education have on the stakeholders within their context of work.

The modules listed here are indicative, and there is no guarantee they will run for September 2025 entry. Take a look at the most up-to-date modules in the module catalogue.


Those on the MSc and PGDip programmes will choose three modules from the following list. If you are studying for the PGCert, you can choose any four modules from this list or from the compulsory module list. 

  • Assessment and Evaluation in Education: This module aims to provide students with a detailed understanding of the key concepts and theories behind different methods of assessment and evaluation in English language teaching and learning. It will help you to examine the rationale for different types of assessments and assessment designs. You will make links to learning on other modules and examine the theory underpinning test construction and marking, in particular test validity and the role of criteria in assessment.
  • English Medium Instruction (EMI): With the rapid development of the internationalisation of education, English is being used as the medium of instruction in an increasing number of educational institutions, from university down to primary school and even kindergarten. This is a complex situation, and it is having a significant impact on teaching and learning worldwide, affecting both students and educators. EMI has therefore become a significant component in the postgraduate study of TESOL and International Education as the roles of stakeholders are constantly evolving. This module will provide students with an understanding of the controversies of English as an international language for academic study and the complexity involved in speakers of any language teaching and learning in a second language.
  • Language Teaching Methodology: This module explores the theories that inform teaching practice and analyses the implications these have in terms of ways of learning, material used, the teacher role and the learning spaces, and is essential for all those seeking to understand teaching environments more clearly and for those who have a chance to influence teaching environments.
  • Online Programme Design: Students will learn about key theories of learning and teaching as well as the principles that underpin online programme design. In addition to this you will learn about digital content creation, how to build a sense of community in online teaching and learning contexts, and about assessment and evaluation in the online world. You will be given the opportunity to identify and conceptualise these aspects of online teaching and learning within your own professional contexts.
  • Technology for Teaching: This module introduces students to the principal theories, concepts and practices of technology in language education. The key focus is on the application of technology, and students will examine various classroom and online uses. Participants will critically consider the role and purpose of various modes of technology in education in a wide range of settings. Students will be encouraged to identify and conceptualise problems within their own professional contexts, and develop creative and informed responses which utilise technology. Students will also develop project management and communication skills.

Optional modules are subject to change each year and require a minimum number of participants to be offered. Some modules may only allow a limited number of students.

Dissertation (MSc only)

Only those on the MSc programme are required to submit a dissertation.  

For the dissertation, you will choose a topic of interest to you and to your future career. You will read related literature and conduct independent research on your topic.

Student dissertations will be supervised by IE staff members. Supervisors will provide guidance throughout the research process, helping you to formulate a suitable research hypothesis. They will offer advice on relevant literature and how to plan your time effectively.

The modules listed here are indicative, and there is no guarantee they will run for September 2025 entry. Take a look at the most up-to-date modules in the module catalogue.

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