  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

This is for you if you want to enhance your existing skills to become a successful global business leader and gain advanced knowledge of issues facing international businesses today.

To be amongst the next generation of global business leaders, it is important to understand the opportunities and challenges of international businesses.  Building businesses in emerging, developing or developed countries depends on how you tackle the international challenges including language barriers, global team management, cultural differences, political risks to name a few.  This degree will provide you with the practical skills and knowledge of international business practices, to support you to deal with these challenges.

In international business today it is necessary to critically analyse and evaluate international business theories by covering the economic, political, ethical, social, legal and technical environment within businesses. Global leaders should promote the role of information within a knowledge-based economy.  This includes an identification of approaches to data generation, data manipulation, data assessment, analysis and dissemination in international business research.

Entry Requirements

  • Good UK honours degree or its equivalent, or a postgraduate diploma from a recognised institution, or a relevant graduate level qualification.
  • Or a demonstration of considerable relevant practical experience and evidence of the ability to cope with the demands of the course.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Our Business and Management courses have been developed with the professional in mind and offer many opportunities for career enhancement.  Our courses are both intellectually stimulating and relevant to career needs, a fact endorsed by over 20,000 School of Business graduates located in over 100 countries.

Module Details

The order in which you will study the first four modules may vary dependent on which intake you join the programme.

  • Accounting for Accountability and Decision Making
  • Global Strategy, International Marketing and Operations Management
  • Principles and Practices of International Business
  • Market Intelligence, Data Analysis and Research Methods

Choose either International Business Dissertation or International Business Project

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