
MSc Internal Audit Management and Consultancy

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full Time/Part Time/Distance Learning

Masters Degree Description

The MSc Internal Audit Management & Consultancy is a unique offering in the UK and has been developed over many decades to ensure that it reflects the needs of the profession, employers and above all the students.

The majority of the course team have worked in the internal audit professional as well as other connected professions and therefore have a keen insight into the demands of the profession and the knowledge, skills and behaviours expected. This coupled with decades of delivering a Masters level qualification in Internal Audit, we are confident that this course will meet those needs.

The course’s over-riding philosophy is:

To equip those working within or intending to join the internal audit profession with the conceptual understanding, knowledge and skills to contribute positively to the organisations that they work for.

What’s covered in this course?

The Course is divided into 8 modules and is aligned to the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and Chartered Internal Auditor (CMIIA) qualifications. The course has been carefully mapped against the IAP Apprenticeship Standards and End Point Assessment (EPA), to the syllabi of the CIA and CMIIA and the IIA Inc’s suggested syllabus from the Internal Audit Educators Partnership programme, which has awarded this course its highest accreditation as a ‘Centre of Excellence’.

The first 5 modules of the course are designed to support the CIA syllabus in particular and thereby enable students who wish, to sit the CIA professional exams. For clarity the University does not hold any dual award or exemptions with the IIA Inc. for the CIA exams and therefore students must sit these in order to gain the CIA qualification.

The last 3 modules are then connected to CMIIA qualification. Our agreement with the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors – UK & Ireland, means that students can achieve the CMIIA if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are a member of the Chartered IIA during and at the completion of their study with the University and the Chartered IIA.
  • They hold the CIA
  • They have successfully completed the MSc
  • They successfully complete the final CMIIA assessment with the Chartered IIA
  • They successfully complete the Chartered Membership interview with the Chartered IIA.

Entry Requirements

  • A degree from a UK University or international equivalent
  • OR Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) global base qualification / Relevant professional qualification from the PIIA.
  • OR Relevant professional experience of at least 1 year
  • In recognition that many students may already have a relevant professional qualification, Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for individual modules and / or stages may be given on a case by case basis.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

There are planned field trips each term to local organisations. These trips will be accompanied by a seminar from a visiting professor on a related topic.

We also have a guest speaker programme, bringing the working world into the University. These talks are delivered in the block weeks, and presentations are posted on Moodle so that they are available to everyone.

All assignments are grounded in the real working organisations, allowing students to apply their knowledge into a real working environment.

Skills assessment takes place at the start of each term and students are encouraged to create a development plan to enhance their skills and work experience over the duration of the course. Lecturers will support students in finding opportunities to support this wherever possible.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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