  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA Part Time: 2 years, Full Time: 1 year.

Masters Degree Description

Interior design is a rapidly growing creative industry, designing stimulating environments for living, working, shopping, commerce and almost every possible human activity.

Normally based around the conversion of existing buildings, the interior designer considers the needs of the client and building’s end use, the creation of interior spatial layouts, and improving circulation and function. Working as an interior designer, you specify materials, design fittings and furniture, and select colour palettes and lighting schemes.

You focus on existing and emerging design trends including health, wellbeing and sustainability, and engage with socially and ethically-focused agendas essential in current practice. You learn how to contextualise interiors in relation to people and society, and participate in live projects and national competitions that replicate professional practice, preparing you to become a creative design professional who can work with a range of clients.

Interior design at Teesside has a long heritage and has been taught at undergraduate level for over 50 years. We are also a Society of British and International Interior Design Centre of Excellence.

Entry Requirements

A UK 2.2 honours degree in a spatial design related field or a design degree with experience of interior practice. For general information please see our overview of entry requirements.

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Student Destinations

You could work as a designer in commercial, residential, hospitality and health sectors, and design and space planning in schools and further and higher education, retail design and visual merchandising, technical computer-aided (CAD) design work or CAD visualisation, lighting design, exhibition and museum design, interior product and branding, or an interior specialist within architectural practices.

Module Details

Core modules

Design in Context: Building for People and Society

Emerging Spatial Trends: Wellbeing and Sustainability

Final Design Project

Future Technologies

Interior Practice: Managing Design

Modules offered may vary.

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