
MLitt PG Dip PG Cert Interdisciplinary English Studies

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MLitt: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time, PgDip: 9 months full-time; 21 months part-time, PgCert: 4 months full-time; 9 months part-time

Masters Degree Description

The MLitt in Interdisciplinary English Studies focuses on the representation, imaginary transformation and symbolisation of culture, as mediated through language and literature.

This is achieved by drawing on the interdisciplinary strengths of the School of Humanities, and the English Studies section within the school.

The course will prepare you to think about the ways in which all aspects of a culture depend on narrative, fiction and language. You’ll be able to apply this to working in education, business, government or a third sector organisation.

The course also provides a preparation for undertaking a PhD, which generally requires a Masters qualification as an entry requirement.

Entry Requirements

Minimum upper second-class Honour degree, or overseas equivalent, in English literature or a related subject.

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Student Destinations

Graduates in the MLitt in Interdisciplinary English Studies have particular skills in close analysis of textual practices, in the understanding of the symbolic structures of culture, and the role of tradition; they are skilled in formulating arguments and in writing documents; they are skilled in undertaking research in an original and innovative way and reporting on it.

These skills make graduates from this course suited to a variety of further opportunities, including progress to PhD, for which this course would be a prerequisite eg for AHRC funding.

These include:

  • teaching, including teaching English as a foreign language
  • marketing
  • acting as a researcher
  • work in the media

Module Details

Research Skills & Methods in Humanities

Making & Unmaking British Literature 1880 – 1950
Contemporary Scottish Cultural Studies
Fleshy Histories: Meat Eating & Meat Avoidance, 1500 to the Present
Narrative processing across Languages and Cultures
Global Queers: Travel Writing & Sexual Politics
Introduction to Intercultural Communication
Advanced Topics in Interdisciplinary English Studies
English Studies Research Placement

MSc – Dissertation in Interdisciplinary English Studies

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