
LLM Intellectual Property & The Digital Economy

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    LLM: 12 months full-time; 24 months part-time

Masters Degree Description


  • You will develop a critical understanding of a wide range of issues concerning the legal regulation of intellectual property and the digital economy.
  • You will benefit from access to and engagement with the Law School’s leading UK Copyright and Creative Economy Research Centre: CREATe.
  • CREATe is a pioneering academic initiative led by the School of Law at the University of Glasgow. Since 2012, CREATe has delivered over 60 interdisciplinary research projects, while also being host to renowned international conferences such as EPIP 2015 and ISHTIP 2016. More recently, CREATe’s research played a key role in the European Parliament debate leading to the amendment of Article 17 (then Article 13) of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive, with its contribution cited by policymakers in official reports and hearings.
  • You will have the opportunity to interact with leading academics presenting their most recent, influential research in our CREATe Public Lecture Series. Recent speakers include Prof. Lionel Bently (Cambridge) on quotations in visual art, Prof. Peter Drahos (EUI) on innovation and Intellectual Property in the 21st century, Prof. Aileen Fyfe (St Andrews) on the production and circulation of scientific knowledge, Prof. Rebecca Giblin (Melbourne) on authors’ interests, Catherine Stihler OBE on EU copyright reform, and Anthony Taubman (WTO) on creative works and international trade.
  • You may take part in CopyrightX: Glasgow, an intensive twelve-week network course offered in affiliation with Harvard Law School and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society.
  • You will have the opportunity to apply for summer internships or visitorships at firms and international organisations specialising in intellectual property. In previous years, students benefited from work experience with (i) Burness Paull & Williamsons, a top tier Scottish commercial law firm with extensive expertise in IP, IT and Information Law; (ii) Cloch Solicitors, a boutique Scottish IP law firm; and (iii) the World Trade Organisation.
  • You will benefit from our excellent facilities including the dedicated School of Law library; our main University library also contains our extensive collection of legal materials and official publications and is a European Documentation Centre.

Entry Requirements

A 2.1 Honours degree or non-UK equivalent in law or other subject with at least 50% of the credits in law.

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Please see our website for fee information

Student Destinations

The programme provides high-level training at the intersection of law and technology – an area of crucial importance to legal professionals everywhere. The emphasis on research will help you to develop excellent analytical and writing skills highly sought after by potential employers. Internship opportunities with leading global and local firms support the development of further skills.  Career paths include roles in law firms, entertainment and media companies, international organisations, government and non-governmental organisations.

Module Details

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