
PGCert Humanistic & Psychodynamic Counselling

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year part-time

Masters Degree Description

An intensive foundation in counselling for those who meet elements of counselling in their day-to-day work and who wish to enter this field professionally.

This programme is designed to provide an intensive foundation in counselling for those who meet elements of counselling in their day-to-day work, and who wish to enter this field professionally, but lack sufficient experience and qualification to study at a postgraduate diploma level.

The programme is taught by means of theoretical lectures, seminars, experiential workshops, and group tutorials. You’ll study key theoretical concepts that inform the practice of humanistic and psychodynamic counselling and will identify the specific responsibilities and processes of the counselling alliance.

Entry Requirements

You must be able to demonstrate:

  • a commitment to counselling as a profession
  • an ability to sustain academic study
  • the potential to develop those qualities essential to counselling, for example empathy and sense of self

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Programme Funding

Goldsmiths offers a range of financial support including postgraduate scholarships, bursaries and fee waivers. These are awarded based on a variety of criteria, for example academic achievements or personal circumstances.

Student Destinations

Suitable careers for graduates of this programme include:

  • support and welfare work
  • residential social work
  • teaching
  • advocacy
  • mentoring

Module Details

This course takes place over 26 weeks.

Autumn term

  • Defining the counselling alliance
  • Fundamental conditions of the counselling relationship
  • Overview of the humanistic framework
  • Carl Rogers and person-centred counselling
  • Gerard Egan’s goal-orientated approach
  • Existential philosophy and Gestalt therapy
  • Comparing and contrasting the different humanistic theories

Spring term

  • Defining the psychodynamic model (Freud, Klein)
  • Introduction to human growth and development
  • Attachment, containment and trust (Bowlby and Winnicott)
  • Unconscious processes: transference and countertransference, projection and introjection, defence mechanisms

Summer term

  • Defining Transcultural Counselling and its impact
  • Exploring issues of diversity, gender, race, and power in the counselling relationship
  • Ethical professional frameworks, supervision, and self-care
  • Treatment ending

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