
MSc Human-Computer Interaction Design 

  • DeadlineStudy Details:
    • Full-time: 12 months (15 months with internship)
    • Part-time: 28 months

Masters Degree Description

This course will enable you to think about technology design in new ways, placing users at the very heart of design.

You will be able to gain a deep understanding of users’ needs and feed that understanding into the design of interactive systems that meet those needs in ways that engender an engaging and enriching user experience.

It will provide you with the appropriate mix of theoretical and practical knowledge to empower you to create engaging user experiences. You will gain a breadth and depth of knowledge and skills that will propel you forwards in your career (e.g. as a UX Designer, User Researcher or UX Consultant).

You will also embody a strong user ethos, adopting the necessary user-centred values to act as user advocate when designing interactive systems and services.

Entry Requirements

  • An upper second-class honours degree in any subject, the equivalent from an international institution or three-plus years of UX-related industry experience
  • A practical background in computing technologies is useful, but not essential
  • Previous experience in Human-Computer Interaction or User Experience Design is not necessary
  • Programming experience is not necessary.


See our website for fees

Student Destinations

As the HCID and UX industry expands and technology becomes a major part of our daily lives there’s a growing need for skilled professionals across sectors.

Digital agencies, business consultancies, charities, commercial, government and IT companies all need qualified staff to design user friendly interactive systems.

Roles you could apply for include:

  • UX designer/consultant
  • User researcher
  • Information architect
  • Accessibility specialist
  • Technical project manager
  • User interface developer
  • Technology evaluator.

This course is also an excellent starting point if you are considering pursuing a PhD in Human-Computer Interaction.

Postgraduate students in our Department of Computer Science are offered an unrivalled opportunity to complete up to six months of professional experience as part of their Masters’ degree.

An internship enables you stand out in a competitive job market, develop your business knowledge and to learn about the different career paths open to you.

Module Details


  • A 12-month full-time option during which you attend all the taught modules during Semesters 1 and 2, and complete your Project within the 12-month period of the degree.
  • Teaching will be on 2-3 days per week, during the daytime (9:00-18:00).
  • Full-time students spend eight hours per week in lectures and four hours per week in seminars and tutorials.


  • A 28-month part-time option during which you attend half the modules in a first 12-month period, followed by the other half the next year.
  • Students are expected to complete all the modules in this 28-month period. The teaching periods are structured to deliver core modules in a sequence which permits engagement by part-time students alongside full-time students.
  • The dissertation project is undertaken by part-time students in their second year.

See our website for current modules

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