  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1-2 years, full- or part-time

Masters Degree Description

This is for you if... you want to develop advanced skills in historical research methods and apply these to an extended piece of independent research.

The MRes in History will provide you with an excellent opportunity to develop your research skills and complete an extended research project. You will acquire advanced skills in historical research methods in the first semester of our course which will prepare you for your extended dissertation.

Before you begin this course, you will have the opportunity to identify a potential supervisor from within the department based on the specific interests and expertise of our staff.The core of the degree will be an extended piece of research in which you will pursue a major independent research project of your own choosing. This gives you the flexibility to shape your own course and produce a piece of written work to a standard that might form the basis of a publication.

The course will equip you with the skills needed for historical research at doctoral level. You will also have the opportunity to develop your competence in communication, self-management and planning which will enhance your attractiveness to potential employers.

This course can be studied part-time over two years.

Entry Requirements

2:1 degree in history or another relevant discipline.

We also welcome applicants who can supply evidence of substantial alternative research training and experience.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

There are a number of possible sources of funding: loans and grants, bursaries and scholarships.

Student Destinations

Our MRes in History will offer you a very strong competitive advantage and career choices and your future salary can be considerably enhanced by postgraduate qualifications.

A postgraduate degree in history provides you with a wide range of skills including:

  • critical analysis of textual, visual, and material evidence
  • statistical analysis and database design
  • advanced written and oral presentation skills
  • time management and independent working on a large-scale research project

As an MRes student in the department, you will also have the opportunity to plan meetings and conferences and get involved with the intellectual community of historians at Leicester.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Historical Research, Historical Writing
  • MRes Dissertation

Option modules

Choose one option module from:

  • After The Holocaust
  • How Buildings Work: Architectural History and Structural Engineering
  • Families and Communities in England and Wales, c. 1600-1900
  • The City in History
  • Global History: comparative and connected approaches
  • Directed Reading Module
  • The Holocaust
  • Landscapes and Identities in Medieval and Early Modern England
  • Global Cities: the View from Asia
  • American Freedoms
  • Directed Reading Moduleh

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