  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 11 months full-time, up to five years part-time; PgDip: up to 11 months full-time, up to four years part-time; PgCert: up to 11 months full-time, up to three years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The Guided Weapon Systems MSc is a flagship Cranfield course and has an outstanding reputation within the Guided Weapons community. The course meets the requirements of all three UK armed services and is also open to students from NATO countries, Commonwealth forces, selected non-NATO countries, the scientific civil service and industry.

This course is an essential prerequisite for many specific weapons postings in the UK and overseas forces. It also offers an ideal opportunity for anyone working in the Guided Weapons industry to get a comprehensive overall understanding of all the main elements of guided weapons systems.

It typically attracts 12 students per year, mainly from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, Chile, Brazil and those from several European forces.

Entry Requirements

We welcome applications from talented individuals of all backgrounds and each application is considered on its individual merit. Usually applicants must hold:

A UK lower second-class (2:2) undergraduate degree with honours, as a minimum, or equivalent international qualification.

Ideally applicants will have studied in science, engineering or mathematics subjects.

If you do not meet the above entry requirements but still feel you can demonstrate the ability to complete the course successfully, you may still be accepted onto a course with a lower qualification and relevant experience. Ideally your experience will be in a related role. Exceptional applicants may be accepted on experience alone.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more.

Programme Funding

Funding opportunities available, please visit website for details.

Student Destinations

Successful students will have a detailed understanding of Guided Weapons system design and will be highly suited to any role or position with a requirement for specific knowledge of such systems. Many students go on to positions within the services which have specific needs for such skills.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

All the modules in the following list need to be taken as part of this course.

  • Introductory and Foundation Studies
  • GW Propulsion
  • GW Aerodynamics
  • GW Control Theory
  • GW Electro-optics and Infrared Technology
  • GW Control and Guidance
  • GW Energetics
  • GW Structures, Aeroelasticity and Materials
  • Radar Principles
  • GW Power Electronics and Communication Systems
  • Missile System Design
  • GW Systems Integration

Elective modules

One of modules from the following list need to be taken as part of this course

  • GW Electronic Warfare
  • Hypersonic Guided Weapons

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