  • DeadlineStudy Details: 6 months Full-Time

Masters Degree Description

Designed specifically for non-law graduates, this Foundations in Law PG Cert, will provide the legal knowledge and competencies that will allow you to proceed onto the Solicitors Qualifying Examination preparatory courses.

You have already acquired numerous transferable skills from your undergrad degree. Opting for law later on demonstrates your drive and commitment to embark on a fresh career path.

Delivered by academics and qualified professional practitioners, this postgraduate programme will provide the legal knowledge and competencies needed in the Six Foundations of Legal Knowledge; Contract Law; Crime; Equity & Trusts; Land Law; Public & EU Law; and the Law of Tort. 

Entry Requirements

2:1 or above from any non-law degree. Applicants without a 2:1 will be considered on an individual basis.


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