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You’ll join a global network of Strathclyde forensic science graduates who are in highly respected positions all over the world. In addition to preparing you for life as a forensic scientist, you’ll also graduate with a wide range of practical skills, problem-solving skills, and investigative thinking, relevant to a wide range of careers.
You'll benefit from the expertise of our enthusiastic teaching staff who also conduct forensic science research and casework. Studying in the Centre for Forensic Science offers a unique experience, combining ‘case-based’ learning with research-led teaching.
Minimum second-class (2:2) Honours degree, or international equivalent, in a relevant science subject such as:
Prospective students with relevant industry/practitioner experience are also welcome to apply.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
Most forensic scientists in Scotland are employed by the Scottish Police Authority Forensic Services.
In the rest of the UK, forensic scientists are employed by individual police forces, private forensic science providers such as Eurofins Forensic Services, Cellmark Forensic Services, Key Forensics, or government bodies such as the Defence Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL).
Outside of the UK, forensic scientists may be employed by police forces, government bodies or private companies.
Forensic scientists generally specialise in specific areas such as biology, chemistry, crime scene examination, DNA analysis, drug analysis, fire investigation.
Most of the work is laboratory-based but crime scene examiners/managers and experienced forensic scientists will also attend crime scenes and give evidence in court.
Graduates of the programme also follow a wide variety of careers in related fields, including analytical chemistry and molecular biology, as well as going on to do PhDs and pursuing research careers.
Professional & Career Skills (10 credits)
Essentials of Forensic Science: theoretical (20 credits)
Essentials of Forensic Science: practical (20 credits)
Practical Crime Scene Exercise (20 credits)
Forensic Biology 1 (10 credits)
Forensic Biology 2 (20 credits)
Forensic Chemistry 1 (10 credits)
Forensic Chemistry 2 (10 credits)
Practical Assessment in Optional Classes (20 credits)
Research Project (60 credits)
The place of useful learning The University of Strathclyde is a leading international technological university located in the heart of Glasgow – one ...
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