  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 24 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

Develop a deep knowledge of the food system – and study at three academic institutions across Europe – with our MSc in Food Systems course.

This new master’s programme has been launched in collaboration with EiT Food, Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, which works to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted.

Gain advanced understanding of the food system

The programme aims to give you knowledge of the food system in its entirety. You will:

  • identify short-term and long-term consequences of decisions involving different components of the food chain
  • translate innovations into feasible business solutions
  • explore and generate new ideas in response to current and future challenges
  • use knowledge, ideas and technology to create new or improved products, services, processes, policies, business models or jobs
  • apply cutting-edge research, processes and techniques towards new venture creation and growth in cross-disciplinary contexts
  • transform practical experiences in the food sector into research problems and challenges.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are typically required to have at least a lower second-class honours degree in a pure or applied science (or equivalent from a university outside the UK). Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning may be considered based on relevant work and other experience. For MSc Nutrition and Food Science, your degree should have a significant element of biological science.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

Our MSc in Food Systems course is ideal if you want to pursue a career in the food industry or food-related research.

Module Details

Semester 1

Compulsory modules (offered by University of Reading)

  • Understanding and Influencing Consumer Behaviour
  • Introduction to Food Systems
  • Food Systems Summer School

Optional modules (offered by University of Reading)

  • Nutrition Concepts
  • Lifestyle, Nutrigenetics and Personalised Nutrition
  • Microbes in Health and Disease 

Semester 2 (offered by your first host university)

Study further food systems modules and take part in a summer school on entrepreneurship with all other students enrolled on the programme.

Semester 3 (offered by your second host university)

Complete a semester-long Market Feasibility Study, along with further food systems modules.

Semester 4

Compulsory modules (offered by University of Reading)

  • Emerging Technologies Business Case Study
  • Postgraduate Research Project. This thesis will be mentored by a

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