
MRes Agricultural and Food Economics

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 12 months full-time

Masters Degree Description

Develop your research skills for agricultural economics and food economics with our MSc by Research Agricultural and Food Economics master’s degree.

During your studies you’ll develop applied economics and marketing skills – including quantitative and qualitative research techniques – and then apply them to a diverse range of contemporary farm, food and rural issues in both developed and developing country contexts.

Entry Requirements

Applicants are normally required to have a good undergraduate honours degree, ideally with upper second-class or above (or equivalent from an internationally recognised university outside the UK). Applicants who have relevant career experience are also welcome to apply.

Students may join immediately after their undergraduate degree, or after some years of employment to enhance career prospects by acquiring further skills.

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For fees and funding options please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Masters scholarships available please visit website for details

Student Destinations

Our programmes are excellent preparation for careers in practice, research and policy in the areas of international and rural development, agricultural economics, and marketing within the food chain.

Engagement with a wide variety of visiting speakers and field trips provides many opportunities for networking. In addition, competitive internships, placements and research dissertations are opportunities to showcase your skills, undertake field research or link with organisations in the development sector.For examples of organisations our graduates go on to work for, please visit the GIIDAE website.

Module Details

Sample modules:

  • Consumers, Producers, Markets and Trade
  • Econometrics
  • Marketing Research Methods
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Research and Study Skills for Independent Learning

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